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适合学生晨读的英语美文 篇1

A sitcom or situation comedy is a genre of comedy performance originally devised for radio but today typically found on television. Sitcoms usually consist of recurring characters in a format in which there are one or more humorous story lines centred on a common environment, such as a family home or workplace.The situation comedy format seems to have originated in the old time radio era of the United States, but today they are produced around the globe.

Many countries, such as Britain, have embraced the form and so sitcoms have become among the most popular programmes on the schedule.history,The situation comedy format originated on radio in the 1920s. The first situation comedy is often said to be Sam and Henry which debuted on the Chicago, Illinois clear-channel station WGN in 1926, and was partially inspired by the notion of bringing the mix of humor and continuity found in comic strips to the young medium of radio. The first network situation comedy was Amos & Andy which debuted on CBS in 1928, and was one of the most popular sitcoms through the 1930s.Situation comedies have been a part of the landscape of broadcast television since its early days.

The first was probably Mary Kay and Johnny, a fifteen minute sitcom which debuted on the DuMont Television Network in November of 1947.This type of entertainment seemed to originate in the United States, which continues to be a leading producer of the genre, but soon spread to other nations.Characteristics Traditionally, situation comedies were largely self-contained, in that the characters themselves remained largely static and events in the sitcom resolved themselves by the conclusion of the show. One example of this is the animated situation comedy The Simpsons, where the characteristics of animation has rendered the characters unchanging in appearance forever?although the characters in the show have sometimes made knowing references to this. Other sitcoms, though, use greater or lesser elements of ongoing storylines: Friends, a hugely popular US sitcom of the 1990s, contains soap opera elements such as regularly resorting to an end-of-season cliffhanger, and has gradually developed the relationships of the characters. Other sitcoms have veered into social commentary. Examples of these are sitcoms by Norman Lear including All in the Family and Maude in the US, and the controversial Till Death Us Do Part in Britain.

Most contemporary situation comedies are filmed with a multicamera setup in front of a live audience, then edited and broadcast days or weeks later. This practice has not always been universal, however, especially prior to the 1970s when it became more common. Some comedies, such as M*A*S*H, were not filmed before a studio audience.

适合学生晨读的英语美文 篇2

Sitting on a grassy grave, beneath one of the windows of the church, was a little girl.

With her head bent back she was gazing up at the sky and singing, while one of her little hands was pointing to a tiny cloud that hovered like a golden feather above her head.

The sun, which had suddenly become very bright, shining on her glossy hair, gave it a metallic luster, and it was difficult to say what was the color, dark bronze or black.

So completely absorbed was she in watching the cloud to which her strange song or incantation seemed

addressed, that she did not observe me when I rose and went towards her.

Over her head, high up in the blue, a lark that was soaring towards the same gauzy cloud was singing, as if in rivalry.

As I slowly approached the child, I could see by her forehead, which in the sunshine seemed like a globe of pearl, and especially by her complexion, that she uncommonly lovely.

Her eyes, which at one moment seemed blue-gray, at another violet, were shaded by long black lashes, curving backward in a most peculiar way, and these matched in hue her eyebrows, and the tresses that were tossed about her tender throat were quivering in the sunlight.

All this I did not take in at once; for at first I could see nothing but those quivering, glittering, changeful eyes turned up into my face.

Gradually the other features, especially the sensitive full-lipped mouth, grew upon me as I stood silently gazing. Here seemed to me a more perfect beauty than had ever come to me in my loveliest dreams of beauty.

Yet it was not her beauty so much as the look she gave me that fascinated me, melted me.

适合学生晨读的英语美文 篇3

I was 45 years old when I decided to learn how to surf.

They say that life is tough enough.

But I guess I like to make things difficult on myself, because I do that all the time.

Every day and on purpose.

That's because I believe in disrupting my comfort zone.

When I started out in the entertainment business, I made a list of people that I thought would be good to me.

Not people who could give me a job or a deal, but people who could shake me up, teach me something, challenge my ideas about myself and the world.

So I started calling up experts in all kinds of fields.

Some of them were world-famous.

Of course, I didn't know any of these people and none of them knew me.

So when I called these people up to ask them for a meeting, the response wasn't always friendly.

And even when they agreed to give me some of their time,the results weren't always what one might describe as pleasant.

Take, for example, Edward Teller, the father of the hydrogen bomb.

It took me a year of begging and more begging to get to him to agree to meet with me.

And then what happened? He ridiculed me and insulted me.

But that was okay.

I was hoping to learn something from him—and I did,even if it was only that I'm not that interesting to a physicist with no taste for our pop culture.

Over the last 30 years, I've produced more than 50 movies and 20 television series.

I'm successful and, in my business, pretty well known.

So why do I continue to subject myself to this sort of thing?

The answer is simple:

Disrupting my comfort zone, bombarding myself with challenging people and situations—this is the best way that I know to keep growing.

And to paraphrase a biologist I once met,if you're not growing, you're dying.

So maybe I'm not the best surfer on the north shore, but that's okay.

The discomfort, the uncertainty, the physical and mental challenge that I get from this—all the things that too many of us spend our time and energy trying to avoid—they are precisely the things that keep me in the game.

适合学生晨读的英语美文 篇4


there were a sensitivity and a beauty to her that have nothing to do with looks. She was one to be listened to, whose words were so easy to take to heart.

I have thought about her often over the years and how she struggled in a society that places an incredible premium on looks, class, wealth and all the other fineries of life. She suffered from a disfigurement that cannot be made to look attractive. I know that her condition hurt her deeply.

Would her life have been different had she been pretty? Chances are it would have. And yet there were a sensitivity and a beauty to her that had nothing to do with looks. She was one to be listened to, whose words were so easy to take to heart. Her words came from a wounded but loving heart, very much like all hearts, but she had more of a need to be aware of it, to live with it and learn from it. She possessed a fine-tuned sense of beauty. Her only fear in life was the loss of a friend.

It is said that the true nature of being is veiled. The labor of words, the expression of art, the seemingly ceaseless buzz that is human thought all have in common the need to get at what really is so. The hope to draw close to and possess the truth of being can be a feverish one. In some cases it can even be fatal, if pleasure is one's truth and its attainment more important than life itself. In other lives, though, the search for what is truthful gives life.

The truth of her life was a desire to see beyond the surface for a glimpse of what it is that matters. She found beauty and grace and they befriended her, and showed her what is real.

适合学生晨读的英语美文 篇5

If somebody tells you, " I'll love you for ever," will you believe it?

I don't think there's any reason not to. we are ready to believe such commitment at the moment, whatever change may happen afterwards. As for the belief in an everlasting love, that's another thing.

Then you may be asked whether there is such a thing as an everlasting love. I'd answer i believe in it. But an everlasting love is not immutable.

You may unswervingly love or be loved by a person. But love will change its composition with the passage of time. It will not remain the same. In the course of your growth and as a result of your increased experience, love will become something different to you.

In the beginning you believed a fervent love for a person could last indefinitely. By and by, however," fervent" gave way to " prosaic" . Precisely because of this change it became possible for love to last. Then what was meant by an everlasting love would eventually end up in a sort of interdependence.

We used to insist on the difference between love and liking. The former seemed much more beautiful than the latter. one day, however, it turns out there's really no need to make such difference. Liking is actually a sort of love. By the same token, the everlasting interdependence is actually an everlasting love.

I wish i could believe there was somebody who would love me forever. That's, as we all know, too romantic to be true. Instead, it will more often than not be a case of lasting relationship.

适合学生晨读的英语美文 篇6




适合学生晨读的英语美文 篇7




刚开始的时候,佳总是做不到,一起床,“我要看动画片!”慢慢地,我跟她约定,“以后凡是休息天,佳可以看很长时间的动画片。”用佳的话来说,“想看到什么时候就看到什么时候!”(让她从语言上小小的满足了一下,(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……)其他的时间,和妈妈一起看书。






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