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总结物价的英文词语及句子 篇1


2、价钱高得吓人。Prices are on the rise.

3、消费者需要优质的商品。We are merchandising the commodity.

4、我们正在推销商品。There is an abundance of commodity supplies on the markets

5、经济波动致使市场物价忽起忽落。He hopes prices will even off next year

6、The consumers require quality commodities.

7、(由于通货膨胀)物价节节上升The erratic fluctuation of market prices is in consequence of unstable economy.

8、Prices are advancing.


10、他们把物价过度增长视为当然。Prices moved downhill.


12、各种物价都在上涨。The price is outrageous.

13、那消息使物价急遽下降。 They postulate excessive increase in price.

14、inflated price

15、飞涨的物价 The hotel has special rate for families.

16、这引起物价猛跌。Inflation spirals inexorably on


18、commodity price


20、价格在上涨。Price has sagged.

21、上涨的物价使增加的工资化为乌有。The news sent prices into a spin.


23、商品供应充足。There is a commode in my grandfather's room.

24、饭店对家庭供物价。This brought about a heavy slump in prices.

25、他希望明年的物价平稳。Rising prices neutralized increased wages.

总结物价的英文词语及句子 篇2

1、United States Dollar (US$) 美圆

2、opening price 开价,开盘价

3、to be equivalent to 相当于

4、exceptional price 特价

5、Danish Krone (E.Kr.)丹麦克郎

6、Austrian Schilling (Sch.) 奥地利先令

7、F.O.B.Liner Terms F.O.B.班轮条件

8、Italian Lira (Lire) 意大利里拉

9、price current (p.c.) 市价表

10、Norwegian Krone (N.Kr.) 挪威克郎

11、price of commodities 物价

12、Florin (Guilder) H.Fl.(D.Fi.).荷兰盾

13、pricing cost 定价成本

14、base price 底价

15、acceptable 可以接受的,可以使用的

16、price list 定价政策,价格目录,价格单

17、priced 已标价的,有定价的

18、price of factory 厂价

19、maximum price 最高价

20、Singapore Dollar (S$) 新加坡元

21、C.I.F.Liner terms C.I.F.班轮条件

22、ruling price 目前的价格

23、price ratio 比价

24、utmost 极限,竭尽所能

25、current price 时价,现价