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高考英文祝福语 篇1

1、Sleep away the sadness of today.去睡觉,把今天的各种悲伤难过都睡走!

2、A man should have one dream at least, and one reason to hold on to it.If there's no place for his heart to rest, wherever he goes, he is just a vagrant.一个人至少拥有一个梦想,有一个理由去坚强。心若没有栖息的地方,到哪里都是在流浪。

3、Never let one bad day make you feel like you have a bad life.——也许你度过了很糟糕的一天,但这并不代表你会因此度过糟糕的一生。

4、Life is a journey rather than destination.Enjoy it.人生是一次旅行,而不是目的地。

5、All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on.生活的艺术在于,好好把握,每一次的放手与坚持。

6、I don’t always need advice.Sometimes all I need is a hand to hold, an ear to listen, and a heart to understand.我并不总是需要建议,有时候,我只是需要有人执手支持,有人侧耳倾听,有人读懂心声。

7、Hope is wishing something would happen.Faith is believing it will happen.Courage is making it happen.“愿望”是希望某事发生。“信念”是相信它会发生。“勇气”是让它发生。

8、Since you have aimed at one way to go, why are you asking how long does it take? 既然认准一条道路,何必去打听要走多久。

9、Life is like riding a bicycle.To keep your balance, you must keep moving.生活,就像骑单车。要保持平衡,就得不断往前走.#

10、Promise yourself to be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind.对自己承诺:我要强大到任何事情都无法破坏我内心的平和。

11、They always say that time changes things,but you actually have to change them yourself.人们总说时间会改变一切,但实际上你自己必须去改变一切。

12、Life doesn't get easier, you just get stronger.——生活从未变得轻松,是你在一点一点变强。

13、The way to love anything is to realize that it might be lost.珍爱一切的好办法是:意识到你可能会失去它。

14、The one who moves forward is the one who doesn't look back.不回头看的人才能往前走。

15、However long the night, the dawn will break.不管黑夜有多长,天亮总会到来。

16、We're not perfect.We make mistakes, we screw up, but then we forgive and move forward.我们并不完美。我们犯错,我们闯祸,然而我们也学会了原谅和向前看.

17、There’s no way to happiness, happiness is the way.没有通向快乐的.路,快乐本身就是路。

18、The best time to learn how to fly is when someone lets you down.有人将你从高处推下的时候恰恰是你展翅高飞的最佳时机。

19、The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past, you can’t go on well in life until you let go of your past failures and heartaches.人若没法忘记过去的失败和痛苦,便不能活得精彩。一个美好的未来永远在於你能否忘记过去。

高考英文祝福语 篇2

1、, when the parting curtain opened, when the memory of sleep in the chest, to say goodbye, really sad, only love is still brilliant, long live friendship!

2、, always go, do not have to turn back, all the children under the sky are blooming flowers in the four seasons, the wind and rain are all a beautiful face, may your eyes stay in my depth, you are my brother, my sister.

3、years, only to have passed the examination, I wish you a college entrance examination score high, Liyudiaolongmen! Refueling.

4、since the choice of the road, then walk to stick to it, believe that as long as there is confidence, as long as the courage, we will be able to master their own future and destiny, become truly strong.

5、, the exam smoothly, a total break through this hurdle in life!

6、, I firmly believe that we have paid the sweat, and have withstood the test, the ideal of the University Hall of the door will open for us, let us continue our hard but happy road of study!

7、wish all the candidates happy to pass the college entrance examination.Wish you have a bright brilliant success.To deal with the entrance, you are the best! God will bless you, believe you can do it!

8、, all the candidates in the country can participate in the college entrance examination in the ordinary state of mind, to play their own level, admitted to the ideal school.I really wish you all the best.

9、hey, you still have time to read the text? It proves that you didn't study hard.But since you see this message, I still want to tell you what I've been trying to say: the exam is going well and working hard together!

10、, tomorrow's entrance exam, do not have to wake up later, you can swim every day, and tomorrow is the beginning of a new life, must not be sad, and have a good dream tonight!

11、, after the college entrance examination, a good fun bar, with the indulgence of happiness, the college entrance examination review those lessons all forgotten!

12、the journey of life is short and long enough for all of us to send forth the light of understanding.

13、when you are faced with many choices, we need to be cautious; when we have no choice, the pressure of the challenge, give yourself a confidence that the world as long as there is in this way good people can, I can go!

14、wish you could win the title in this year's college entrance examination, on the list, was admitted to the ideal university.

15、, no matter what the outcome, experienced, there will always be results, friends of the college entrance examination, for your blessing, but also for their own prayers, I hope the dream began, but also the dream to achieve the place!

16、we speak the same house for three years, long and short.In this unusual three years, our trials and hardships, and shoulder HAPPY Allison like the more to know the results, the heart is very upset, not just finished as a friend to participate in college entrance examination for the college entrance examination all friends no matter how we walk