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在线翻译句子相关练习 篇1


2、No matter what he says,I don't believe him.


4、Though they were neither very tall nor very strong, they were a good team.

5、Football fans are busy watching the World Cup


7、Most of rice is grown in the south.

8、老师要求我们保持教室内的清洁和安静。 .



11、Could/Would you please teach me how to search the Internet?

12、使我吃惊的是,最后他考试及格了。 44.我已经提醒他要提防这个人。 .

13、我想这是我读过的最好的小说(novel)之一。 .

14、到目前为止,工人们已在这条河上建了三座桥了。 64.这种杯子是用来喝酒的。

15、We are sure that China will be even better tomorrow


17、She looks worried because her mother has been ill for some time.

18、Her parents told him not to go out alone at night

19、他用了三周时间看完了这本书。 .



22、她脸色显得很焦急,因为***妈已病了些时候了。 13.中华人民共和国成立于1949年10月1日。.

在线翻译句子相关练习 篇2


2、错误2:as well as 后面一般加名词,动名词,或者是比较状语从句的分句,很少加完整的句子。

3、错误1:一般是“part of”

4、错误:应该是skilled workers.Skillful表示人们做某事的时候所展示的技艺娴熟

5、主语(unhealthy lifestyle)+系动词(is)+表语 (the result); “of…”全是定语

6、句子结构:主语(the media)+及物动词 (attracts)+宾语 (attention);“by+ …”方式状语


8、错误3:drugs side effects 没有使用所有格

9、错误1:electric vehicles重复

10、正确的句子:Sometimes, it is difficult to evaluate the environmental cost of human activities.

11、正确的句子:in the consumer society, people are no longer satisfied with bare necessities.

12、拓展的句子:People’s unhealthy lifestyle is the result of their tendency to rely heavily on technology, because this makes their lives more convenience.

13、错误2:“effort to do something”更为通顺,在这里

14、错误 3:safety 和前面 low –cost carriers 没什么联系。

15、错误的句子 :Medias exaggerate the hurt of victims to attract public attentions.错误1:Media本身就是复数。

16、正确的句子:Sometimes, although it is difficult to evaluate the environmental cost of human activities, it is necessary to enact laws to restrict some behaviours.

17、拓展的句子(使用并列句): The impact of computers on literacy skills varies across ages and teachers have mixed feelings on the usage of computers.

18、句子结构:主语(ageing population)+及物动词(prompt)+宾语(countries)+宾语补足语(to raise…)

19、拓展的句子:The ageing population leads to a shortage of skillful workers, a problem which has promote countries to raise the statutory retirement age.

20、environment, because electric vehicles do not conduct exhaust emission, compared with fossil fuel motors

21、错误的句子 :The reason which cause increasely number of community crimes in society is poverty.

22、句子结构:主语(impact)+不及物动词 (varies);“of computers on literacy skills”都是定语

23、错误:children with disruptive behaviours 略显罗嗦


25、主语(it)+ 系动词(is)+表语 (difficult);而“to evaluate the environmental cost of human activities”不定式充当形式主语。

26、正确的句子:the ageing population has prompted countries to raise the statutory retirement age.



29、正确的句子:People’s unhealthy lifestyle is the result of their tendency to rely heavily on technology, despite the fact that technology has made their lives convenient and improved their lives significantly.

30、错误的句子 :The impact on people's cultural level from computer, varies between ages.错误1:cultural level 表达不对。

在线翻译句子相关练习 篇3

1、正确的句子:The media attracts public attention by sensationalising victims’ suffering, while ignoring harmful consequences to these individuals, such as their exposure to the public.中文翻译:媒体通过夸大受害者的伤痛去吸引观众,而忽视对这些观众的有害结果,比如将他们在公众面前曝光。

2、environment because these vehicles create less exhaust fumes than conventional cars.中文翻译:电子汽车的发明是我们维护环境所做努力的其中一部分,因为这些汽车比传统汽车产生较少的废气。

3、拓展的句子(使用并列句): The impact of computers on literacy skills varies across ages and teachers have mixed feelings on the usage of computers.

4、错误2 ignore和bring两个动词。

5、错误:应该是skilled workers.Skillful表示人们做某事的时候所展示的技艺娴熟



8、错误1:retirement age是可数名词

9、主语(it)+ 系动词(is)+表语 (difficult);而“to evaluate the environmental cost of human activities”不定式充当形式主语。

10、拓展的句子: Because of low-cost carriers, the aviation industry has developed at an astounding pace over the past decades, that means people's traveling will become more convenience and safety.

11、错误 2:become 是系动词,后面加形容词去修饰主语。

12、错误:人没有necessary这么一说; chase在这里用作及物动词比较好。

13、主语(unhealthy lifestyle)+系动词(is)+表语 (the result); “of…”全是定语

14、拓展的句子:Sometimes, although it is difficult to evaluate the environmental cost of human activities, there is a necessity for the government enacting legislations to restrict some behaviors , which can also arise people's concern about environmental degradation.错误1:there is a necessity for 别扭

15、正确的句子:The ageing population leads to a shortage of highly skilled workers, a problem which has prompted countries to raise the statutory retirement age.


17、句子结构:主语(ageing population)+及物动词(prompt)+宾语(countries)+宾语补足语(to raise…)




21、错误2:as well as 后面一般加名词,动名词,或者是比较状语从句的分句,很少加完整的句子。

在线翻译句子相关练习 篇4


2、老人们最需要的是自己的孩子多关心他们。(show concern to)

3、每天摄人太多的盐和糖会损害人体的健康。(be harmful)

4、Do you find/ think it sensible for young people to borrow money to buy cars?

5、It is a wonderful idea to build a transportation center under the People's Square.

6、Only when he became an adult did he really realize his father's love for him.


8、Never can we forget the disasters which Japanese invader brought to the Chinese people during the Second World War.


10、你是否觉得电视已成为人们日常生活中必不可少的一部分? (essential)


12、_______________terrorism exists, there will be ________________in the world.

13、Anyone who (has) produced such harmful products as milk powder of poor quality must be punished by law.

14、It is difficult for the people from Guangzhou to adapt themselves/ be adapted to the climate of the north, especially in winter.

15、说起中国足球,大多数球迷是又爱又恨。(talk of)


17、显而易见,越来越多的美国人开始担心自己的安全。(worry about)


19、一个人不可能一辈子不犯错误,但要尽量少犯错误。(as…as possible) It is impossible for a person____________________________, but he should make ________________________________.


21、他所钦佩的人不是歌手或演员,而是献身于科学的科学家。(not…but) The people _______________________are ____________________________the scientists who are devoted to science.

22、越来越多的人希望在假期里亲近大自然。(be close to)

23、To my great anger, some bosses often make the workers from the countryside________________________.

24、________________the football of China, most of the football fans love and hate it.