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2、Late at night negative energy to doubt life, day can be like a fool, smiling happily alive, perhaps, this is life.




6、For life, acceptance is the best gentle, whether it is to accept a person's appearance, or to accept a person from now on.

7、I do not crave for smooth life, but rough walk as much as someone to accompany.







14、Some people are good to you, because you are good to him, and some people are good to you, because they understand your good.



17、Every day a little bit more efforts, for nothing else, only in order to be able to have more choices in the future, choose yunhuanyunshu small days, choose their favorite people.


19、Life must have cracks in it for the sun to shine in.People become stronger when the road is rough.

20、Don't cling to the things that make you painful, don't miss the past that you can't go back.Some things, the sooner you give up, the better the future.

21、If you put up with not working hard in your present self, you will put up with not working hard in your future.


23、Do three things every day: look at your face, the scale, and the balance! If the face is not beautiful enough, the scale is not low enough, the balance is not large enough, then please keep fighting!

24、Be sure that you have never had any regrets in your life which only lasts for a few decades.Laugh or cry as you like, and love when you should.There is no need to oppress yourself, for there is always a new way to live one day.


1、The best time, on the road; The best life is elsewhere.Go out on your own and see the world, and you'll meet your best self.

2、Life is a 十、000-meter run.If someone criticizes you, run faster.Then, the voices will be behind you and you will never hear them again.

















19、People are always tolerate to strangers and picky to acquaintances.人们总是对陌生人很宽容,对熟悉和亲近的人很挑剔。

20、Is there a world, never dark; is there a kind of forever, never change.有没有那么一个世界,永远不天黑;有没有那么一种永远,永远不改变。

21、The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.未来属于那些相信梦想之美的人。

22、Life is like the landlords, or just a group, it is the enemy.人生就像斗地主,刚还是一伙的,一转眼就是敌人。

23、Be common in mind to see the world, flowers bloom is the scenery.Good night, my friend!以平常心看世界,花开花谢都是风景。晚安,朋友!

24、what is life?the beauty of life is that each day is brand new and a magical start.什么是生活?生活就是每天都有一个新的美丽的梦幻般的开始。

25、Today is cruel, tomorrow will be more cruel! The day after tomorrow will be better!今天是残酷的,明天会更残酷!后天会更美好!

26、I want to be a lady, is the old woman forced into a life.一个人,一个夜,一首歌,一段情,忘不掉,就怀念!


1、Time can heal a broken heart, but time can also break a waiting heart.时间可以治愈一颗受伤的心,同样也可以撕裂一颗等待的心。

2、A code, the ego ideal in the first ever, stopped me, I turn my face.一码归一码,自我理想永远在第一位,拦我的人,我会翻脸。

3、“good night,”the two words are not especially sweet or important.what makes them important is who is saying it.不是“晚安”这两个字特别甜蜜和特别重要,而是重要在说的那个人是谁。

4、The talent for being happy is appreciating and liking what you have, instead of what you don't have.欣赏和喜欢你拥有的东西,而不是你没有的东西,你才能快乐。




8、to be a person of interest is really too important, so that neither embarrass others, also won't let oneself embarrassed, it is all happy.


10、it is not easy to get angry, otherwise it will be said to be low eq, smiling on the face of the heart silently read your uncle.

11、Take a wrong road to remember to look back, love the wrong people to know how to let go.You pretend to be invulnerable, so be prepared to let thousands of arrows Pierce your heart.

12、every plain day is worthy of respect, everyone is still around the people should cherish, may you have the stars in the eyes, around the breeze, the heart of the warm sun.

13、everyone will be tired, no one can bear all the sadness for you, people always have a period of time to learn to grow up.




17、efforts and progress, not to do to others, is to live up to their own, live up to this life.

18、When you learn to refuse others, learn to tit for tat, they will respect you, even fear you, there is nothing wrong with being ruthless.


20、有时候我们需要的不是一碗鸡汤,而是一个巴掌,有些人出现在你的生命里,就是为了告诉你,你真好骗。Sometimes what we need is not a bowl of chicken soup, but a slap in the face.Some people show up in your life just to tell you that you are so gullible.

21、彪悍的人生,不需要解释。只要你按时到达目的地,很少有人在乎你开的是奔驰还是拖拉机。Tough life, no need to explain.As long as you arrive on time, few people will care whether you drive a Mercedes or a tractor.

22、真爱就像鬼,听说的人多,遇见的人少,在这个世界上,唯一不会背叛你的,只有自己的父母和口袋里的钱。True love is like a ghost, heard of many people, met few people, in this world, the only will not betray you, only his parents and pocket money.

23、别随便嫌一个女生幼稚,她要是不喜欢你,比***都成熟。Don't think a girl naive, if she doesn't like you, more mature than your mother.

24、世界不会在意你的自尊,人们看的只是你的成就。在你没有成就以前,切勿过分强调自尊。——比尔盖茨The world won't care about your self-esteem.People will only care about your achievements.Don't overemphasize your self-esteem until you have achieved something.”-- Bill Gates

25、太在意别人的看法,最后只有两种结局:要么自己被累死,要么让别人整死。If you care too much about what others think, there are only two outcomes: either you are tired to death, or you let others die.

26、这个社会没有对与错,只有强与弱。你行了,都是人巴结你,你不行,连狗都来踩你。There is no right or wrong in this society, only strong or weak.You can, are people to flatter you, you can't, even the dog to step on you.

27、当你功成名就时,有多少人想来巴结你,当你一事无成时,就有多少人想要远离你。When you are successful, how many people want to flatter you, when you accomplish nothing, how many people want to stay away from you.

28、很犀利的一句话:“你备胎无数,你感情不断;并不是因为你很迷人,而是你廉价又百搭。”Very sharp words: “you have countless spare tire, your feelings constantly; Not because you're attractive, but because you're cheap and versatile.

29、突然发现,图钱图车图房的姑娘,现在都过得很好,只有图爱情的过的一塌糊涂。Suddenly found that figure money figure car figure room girl, now are very good, only figure love too in a complete mess.