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Key 篇1

1、C:All right.I'll take this.

2、A:It's two feet and four inches wide.

3、C:Is it washable?

4、C:Oh,it,s a famous brand.

5、C:Is the colour fast?

6、A:Yes.The counter is over there.Let me show you the way.

7、A:Sorry,we don't sell fur coats.You had better visit the Shanghai Friendship Store and see whether they sell Chinese fur coats.

8、B:(to C)Jone,there is the satin suitable for making cushion covers there.

9、C:I think the pink one is quite good.Ask the shop assistant to cut a pair for us.

10、A:Let me take a measurement and calculate.Seven feet willbe enough.

11、C:I want to make a Chinese fashion coat.How many feetshould I buy?

12、C:By the way,what is the brand?

13、A:Yes,it is.But you have to be careful.You can only washit in lukewarm water.Don't rub.Just use soapy water and rinse well.

14、C:Do you sell lace?

15、A:Yes,it is.It's velvety and the colour is brilliant.

16、A:It costs you only twenty five yuan and fifty fen.

17、B:(to A) IS it made of pure Chinese silk?

18、A:Yes,it is well received the world over.

19、B:Very well.(to A)Have you any fur coat on sale?

Key 篇2

1、Is the colour fast?

2、You can only wash it in lukewarm water.






8、What's the width?


10、How much would that come to?


12、Is it made of pure Chinese silk?





17、By the way,what is the brand?

18、I want to make a Chinese fashion coat.How many feet should I buy?

19、It's two feet and four inches wide.

20、Seven feet will be enough.

21、There is the satin suitable for making cushion covers there.

Key 篇3

1、C:All right.(Looking at the price tags)Oh,a bit too much!

2、A:Artistic tapestry is the highest form of expression of the rug weaving art,an exquisite handicraft of superb artistry in typical Chinese style.Considering the fine craftsmanship they are worth much more.

3、A:Forty yuan and fifty fen.

4、A:Yes,we have.Here,please have a look at the handembroidered one with a new design of bamboo.

5、C:I prefer to buy some embroidered tablecloths to match the tapestry.

6、C:The brocade,please.How much is one piece?

7、C:What fine needlework!What's the price?

8、A:No,it isn't,sir.They are all first-class goods.We have price tags on each of them.Our shop holds a one price policy.We are not allowed to change the price at will.

9、C:Too expensive.You haven't anything cheaper,have you?

10、A:Which do you prefer,the linen one,the figured dacron or the brocade?

11、B:I agree.Is this the marvellous landscape in Guilin?Whata lovely tapestry!We are going to Guilin in two days-this tapestry is really impressive.

12、A:Sixty yuan and sixty fen.

13、C:I see.I'll take two then.Henry,you like them?

14、B:IS this the sale price?

Key 篇4


2、The background is pale blue with traditional Chinese paintings of flowers and birds.


4、I'm sorry,sir.They are sold out.

5、Please have a look at the handembroldered one with anew design of bamboo.

6、I'd like to buy a medium-sized cloisonne vase with alight blue background.

7、Artistic tapestry is the highest form of expression of the rug weaving art,an exquisite handicraft of superb artistry in typical Chinese style.

8、Is this the marvellous landscape in Guilin?



11、It's attractive.I'll take a pair.



14、What fine needlework!


16、They are made from different materials——dolomite,tough silk,organdie etc.

17、Which do you prefer,the linen one,the figured dacron or the brocade?





Key 篇5

1、fur n.毛皮,皮子

2、brand n.商标,牌子

3、lukewarm a.微温的

4、in fashion 风行,流行

5、rinse v.冲洗

6、width n.宽度,阔度

7、fast a.不褪色的

8、pink n.桃红色,粉红色

9、fashion n.样子;方式,流行式样

10、calculate v.计算,核算

11、cushion n.垫子,靠垫

12、lace n.花边;饰带

13、measurement n.衡量,测量

14、soapy a.含有肥皂的

15、out of fashion 过时,不流行

Key 篇6

1、A:Maybe a little dearer, but the quality is very good.ma'am.It's exceptionally good in material and the handicraft is more exquisite.It wears very well and keeps its shape.

2、A:Yes, ma'am.This is your size, it's a lovely dress and very smart.It's in fashion now.Would you like to try it?

3、A:Please come with me to the fitting room.

4、A:What about this one? We have this model in several sizes and colors,dark brown, light green, light yellow, crimson.

5、A:How do you like this, ma'am?

6、B:All right, it just suits me, I'll take it.How much do I have to pay?

7、A:What about this then? It's made of exceptionally good quality, pure wool, very soft.

8、A:We don't accept Visa Card,you have to pay cash.

9、A:Three hundred yuan.

10、B:All right, I'll take it.I expect it's worth it.Can I pay by Visa Card?

11、B:It's much too light in color for the autumn.I'd rather havesomething darker, and a bit heavier.

12、B:I like this style, but I don't care for the color.It's loose at the waist, and it's a bit too large.

13、B:Very good.May I try this on?

14、B:OK.Will you accept Master Card?

15、B:Let me see the crimson one, in my size, please.

16、B:That's rather more than I thought of paying.I should have something cheaper.

Key 篇7

1、A:Maybe a little dearer, but the quality is very good.ma'am.It's exceptionally good in material and the handicraft is more exquisite.It wears very well and keeps its shape.

2、A:Yes, ma'am.This is your size, it's a lovely dress and very smart.It's in fashion now.Would you like to try it?

3、A:Three hundred yuan.

4、A:How do you like this, ma'am?

5、B:It's much too light in color for the autumn.I'd rather havesomething darker, and a bit heavier.

6、A:What about this then? It's made of exceptionally good quality, pure wool, very soft.

7、B:Let me see the crimson one, in my size, please.

8、B:All right, I'll take it.I expect it's worth it.Can I pay by Visa Card?

9、B:Very good.May I try this on?

10、B:That's rather more than I thought of paying.I should have something cheaper.

11、A:We don't accept Visa Card,you have to pay cash.

12、A:Please come with me to the fitting room.

13、B:All right, it just suits me, I'll take it.How much do I have to pay?

14、A:What about this one? We have this model in several sizes and colors,dark brown, light green, light yellow, crimson.

15、B:I like this style, but I don't care for the color.It's loose at the waist, and it's a bit too large.

16、B:OK.Will you accept Master Card?