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1、There is no friend as loyal as a book.


3、I would die for you.But i would't live for you.

4、Sometimes accompanied ,sometimes alone, stay awesome all the time.

5、Sometimes it's hard to accept the truth because the lies sound so much better.






11、Live fast, die young, be wild and have fun.

12、To be or not to be, that is the question.

13、Happiness is a how; not a what.A talent, not an object.

14、Nothing is pure.But solitude.

15、Whom the gods destroy, they first make mad.


17、Maybe you need to get up at seven in the morning, go to bed at twelve in the evening, and walk alone day after day.But as long as you live with determination and passion, even if you are not born at the right time, the worst outcome of your life is just a late blossom.


19、Efforts are not meant to impress or show to anyone, but to enable oneself to jump out of the circle of disgust at any time, to have the right to choose and to live a life in the way one likes!

20、Efforts to make money are not meant to be a profitable upstart, nor to be a mercenary miser.Our ultimate goal in life is to live as we like, and money is our necessary guarantee.

21、Dream is a journey destined to be lonely.Questions and ridicules are indispensable on the way.Even if you are bruised all over, you should live beautifully.

22、On the road of life, never retreat from the whole body, enjoy its achievements and get something for nothing.If you don't work hard, you're out.



2、No one knows what you want unless you open your mouth; no one knows what you want; no one knows what you want unless you do it; no one knows where you want to go without taking steps.In fact, you are very strong, but laziness helps you.





7、Once you were my lover, now you are just a story in my heart.Knowing that I can't let go of it, I have to pretend to be strong and miss the time when I was madly in love.Ultimately, we will only regret those opportunities that we did not seize, those loved ones that we dared not have, and those decisions that we struggled with for too long.


9、愿你有前进一寸的勇气,亦有后退一尺的从容。为何还没有初吻便要怕失恋约会未完便挂念傻得我晚上过分期求明天 以为你会在眼前。其实我脸皮还能再厚一次,但我不愿意了。当所有热情都耗尽时,请问你是谁?

10、Beauty is not the world, but your eyes carrying the beauty of the world.Don't worry about the vague future, just strive for the clear present.I do not know when insomnia broke into my world, trance also climbed up.Some people say that insomnia is the dew of true feelings, tears are painful moans, tears carved the cultivator of this beautiful love, the achievement of all love.In this case, in the face of quietly approaching love, I am doomed to spend a period of time to decadent, in exchange for that persistence.

11、My life is approaching dusk, and dusk has come.The tones and colours of my past have disappeared, and they have vaguely slipped away with the dreams of the past.Memories of the past are very beautiful, washed with tears, comforted with yesterday's smile.




15、The most beloved people around, the most beloved sunshine around, I am in trouble, you are laughing, this feeling is just right.Sometimes if you like someone, half of your heart is enough, and the other half has to live a good life.It's hard not to feel sorry for yourself.It's a heart to hurt or not.We all like to succeed.We all like to laugh and say nothing with tears.Give yourself one small goal after another that you can strive to achieve, there is no way or no way, only to do or not to do, the so-called big goal will naturally be on the line.



18、Caring about a person costs too much, must shoulder the enthusiasm, bear the disappointment, waste time and spirit, is a sure thing.

19、Time will tell us the simple like, the most long-term; Ordinary company, the most comfortable; Understand your people, the most warm!


21、Complementary people tend to fall in love at first sight, while similar people tend to grow old together.


23、Teenage age which have what story, nothing more than drunk a few wine, love a person.






4、Hope you can always anacreontic magnanimous loving open-minded, gain and loss have insisted, can laugh can cry can do.

5、Money can cure all affectations, money can cure all inferiority.


7、I don't want to be a human being, but I still can't let go of the suffering in the world.

8、Drink when you have wine, love when you have love, life is so short, and a few more restraints will really pass!

9、我从不后悔自己遇见过谁,只是后悔,怎么成了现在的自己。I never regret who I met.I just regret how I became who I am now.

10、你过你的生活就好,安静的住在我心里就好。不打扰,是我爱你最后的方式。You live your life, just live quietly in my heart.Don't bother, it's the last way I love you.

11、爱情最折磨的不是别离,而是感动的回忆,你站在原地还以为回得去。The most tormented part of love is not parting, but moving memories, you stand where you think you can go back.

12、你不知道,我是鼓起了多大的勇气,才敢念念不忘。又或者,你不是不知道,只是假装不知道。You don't know how much courage I have mustered to remember.Or, you don't know, just pretend not to know.

13、有些歌,听着听着就厌了。有些事,说着说着就忘了。有些伤,想着想着就哭了。有些人,走着走着就散了。Some songs, listen to tired.There are some things that you forget when you talk about them.Some hurt, think about it and cry.Some people walk away.

14、不闻不问不一定是忘了,但一定是疏远了。彼此沉默太久,连主动都需要勇气。It's not necessarily forgotten, but it must be alienated.Mutual silence for too long, even initiative needs courage.

15、人永远不知道,谁哪次不经意的跟你说了再见之后,就真的不会再见了。One never knows who casually says goodbye to you and never really says goodbye.

16、总是奋不顾身的喜欢上一个人,然后又让自己遍体鳞伤的放弃。Always desperately like a person, and then let themselves all over the bruises of the abandonment.

17、以前,我错了,只在乎我在乎的人。现在,我懂了,从今以后我只在乎在乎我的人。Previously, I was wrong, only care about the people I care about.Now, I understand that from now on, I only care about my people.

18、你可以爱一个人到尘埃里,但没有人爱尘埃里的你。即使你掏心掏肺对他好到极点,最终也只是感动了自己。You can love someone in the dust, but no one loves you in the dust.Even if you pull out your heart and lungs to the utmost good for him, you will only be touched by yourself in the end.

19、无论我们最后生疏到什么样子,曾经对你的好都是真的。Whatever we end up strangers to, what we did to you is true.

20、不喊痛,不一定没感觉。不要求,不一定没期待。不落泪,不一定没伤痕。不说话,不一定没心声。No pain, not necessarily no feeling.No, not necessarily without expectations.No tears, no scars.If you don't talk, you don't have to be silent.

21、我有一万种想关心你的理由,却缺少了一种能关心你的身份。I have 10,000 reasons to care about you, but I lack an identity to care about you.

22、等不到的晚安别等了,挤不进的世界别挤了,走不下去的路别走了,不值得的人也别爱了。Don't wait for the night that you can't wait, the world that you can't squeeze, the road that you can't walk, and the people who are not worth it, don't love.

23、如果可以安逸,那么谁又会选择颠沛流离,如果这杯酒能让我忘掉所有心酸,那么我先干为敬。If you can be comfortable, then who will choose displaced within Iraq, if this cup of wine can let me forget all sad, then I do for respect.

24、曾经以为,伤心是会流很多眼泪的;原来真正的伤心,是流不出一滴眼泪。Once thought, sad will flow a lot of tears; The original real sad, is not a drop of tears flow.

25、老死不相往来,这或许是我给你最后的深情。Silos, this may be my last love for you.

26、有些伤口,无论过多久,依然一碰就会痛,有些人不管过多久,也还是一想起就疼。Some wounds, no matter how long, still a touch will hurt, some people no matter how long, or think of pain.

27、你走的那天,我决定不掉泪,迎着风撑着眼帘用力不眨眼。You go that day, I decided not to shed tears, against the wind force not to blink.

28、无论你再怎么痛,再怎么难过,人家也看不到,也不会心疼你,你难过给谁看。No matter how much you hurt, how sad, people can not see, also won't love you, you sad to see who.

29、我没有饮过最烈的酒,可我放弃过最爱的人,我给你全部自由,当作我最后的温柔。I did not drink the strongest wine, but I gave up the people I love most, I give you all freedom, as my last gentle.