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英语美文摘抄大学 篇1
















A monument to silence

This month, as cool as water.

I walk on the silent Avenue, and everything in nature is silent, and the crickets fall into sleep. I leaned over, picked up a leaf in the mottled shadow, I saw Liu Bang walking leisurely riding a white horse, through time, he came to my face


He was silent but smiling. Mouth slightly radian, reflects that thousands of years ago, a table of undercurrent, threatened by growing crises feast, with Xiang Yu to get rid of great ambition, he hidden without hair, just silent, will be held in one hand with a million bold warriors. Fine day, Wujiang river head, he overlooks the appearancedashing It is all up with concubine. A sweep of the hands of the sword, he in silence, he declared to the world is the strength to let strangling the throat of the enemy Liu Bang!

Yes, success does not depend on the enemy King despise wild words, but decided to hangaozu silent in a symbol of war in ancient China strategizing.

The strength of silence makes thousands of years of monument.

I stood up straight, slowly forward, back light, as if I came to the cottage in Western Europe, the field people. I raised my head and saw Woolf. The aroma of coffee contains mouguang...... She is writing Orlando.

Fame is undoubtedly cruel to him, the life is in the brink of death, not only the writer eventually could not escape the crowd before May, in a cocoon around oneself, loudly asked the sun, asked the crowd asked God, why will the disease attached to her body, holding hands

Tight tight, finally he leaned his head, just slightly bitter smile, will use pen to pay thousands of vector in this circulation in. The text is silent, but Woolf hit only in his writing has quietly made the great monument.

Confucius said: "I want no words." Strength has no words, diligence is silent, and glory is all silent. This is the monument of silence.

In response to foreign students laughed at, Xu Beihong ink Xuan Zhang, the picture of magnificent masterpiece masterpiece, is a silent monument. Let the foreign students shame, also gave their self strength for the nation's rise; the Olympic Games, Liu Xiang looked like not to utter a single word.

Ju. After the whistle sounded, he was faster than the gust. It was a silent monument. It created brilliant for Chinese and a miracle for Asia.

Late at night I walk on the way home, the years in the ears quietly flowing, hand a loose leaf, a silent return to dust.

Everything is silent...

英语美文摘抄大学 篇2










Keep a quiet heart

Life is the boundless sea, and man is a small boat in the sea. There is no time for the sea to be calm, so people are always happy and sad. When the innominate annoyance hits, the loss and the hesitation burn every nerve. But, friends, don't forget to keep a quiet heart, the pain will no longer have.

In front of everyone, there is a road to the distance, rugged but full of expectations. Not everyone can walk to the distance, because there are people who are exhausted by the way they do not fall out of the sand in their shoes. Therefore, it is not happiness and pain itself, but emotion that dominates people's feelings.

When afflicted with life, please leave the load, raised looking at the bright, blue sky, let the gentle words in the blue heart. As a child, tired, looking for a green, soft grass lying down, the sun on the face of the jump, let the breeze brushed the heart without wrinkles.

When surrounded by layers of frustration, please open the window and let the fresh air came gladdening the heart and refreshing the mind to find a trace, the sweet fragrance of the soil atmosphere of quiet, like a child, picked up the dandelion to be fine, take the two cheeks blowing open another small umbrella, surprises with eyes closed, make a wish. So, the heart will be more of a comfort and joy.

When the melancholy coming, please open your eyes and look at the setting sun, listening to the birds. Listen to the crickets cry like a child in a small courtyard, the rise of the number of flashes in the sky of stars. So, all the disturbing noise gradually disappeared, and had a quiet heart.

Keep a quiet heart, you will feel the heartfelt sigh: even if I am not happy, do not lock the eyebrows, life is short, why do you want to grow bitter?

Keep a quiet heart, you will understand that the great can dilute the sorrow, tranquility can dispel confusion. Yes, no one knows how far away it is, but opening the window of the soul and letting the joyful sunshine and moonlight flow in, there is a never ending happiness song in the peaceful mind.

Keep a quiet heart, you can continue to transcend, and constantly challenge yourself. Even if the distance is a place forever, there will be a kind of thing - miracles.

英语美文摘抄大学 篇3

There was once a guy who suffered from cancer, a cancer that can't be cured. He was 18 years old and he could die anytime. All his life, he was stuck in his house being taken cared by his mother. He never went outside but he was sick of staying home and wanted to go out for once. So he asked his mother and she gave him permission.


He walked down his block and found a lot of stores. He passed a CD store and looked through the front door for a second as he walked. He stopped and went back to look into the store. He saw a beautiful girl about his age and he knew it was love at first sight. He opened the door and walked in, not looking at anything else but her. He walked closer and closer until he was finally at the front desk where she sat.


She looked up and asked, "Can I help you?"


She smiled and he thought it was the most beautiful smile he has ever seen before and wanted to kiss her right there.


He said, "Uh... Yeah... Umm... I would like to buy a CD."


He picked one out and gave her money for it.


"Would you like me to wrap it for you?" she asked, smiling her cute smile again.“


He nodded and she went to the back. She came back with the wrapped CD and gave it to him. He took it and walked out of the store.


He went home and from then on, he went to that store every day and bought a CD, and she wrapped it for him. He took the CD home and put it in his closet. He was still too shy to ask her out and he really wanted to but he couldn't. His mother found out about this and told him to just ask her. So the next day, he took all his courage and went to the store as usual. He bought a CD like he did every day and once again she went to the back of the store and came back with it wrapped. He took it and when she wasn't looking, he left his phone number on the desk and ran out...




One day the phone rang, and the mother picked it up and said, "Hello?"


It was the girl!!! The mother started to cry and said, "You don’t know? He passed away yesterday..."


The line was quiet except for the cries of the boy's mother. Later in the day, the mother went into the boy's room because she wanted to remember him. She thought she would start by looking at his clothes. So she opened the closet.


She was face to face with piles and piles and piles of unopened CDs. She was surprised to find all these CDs and she picked one up and sat down on the bed and she started to open one. Inside, there was a CD and as she took it out of the wrapper, out fell a piece of paper. The mother picked it up and started to read it. It said: Hi... I think U R really cute. Do u wanna go out with me? Love, Jocelyn.


The mother was deeply moved and opened another CD...


Again there was a piece of paper. It said: Hi... I think U R really cute. Do u wanna go out with me? Love, Jocelyn.


Love is... when you've had a huge fight but then decide to put aside your egos, hold hands and say, "I Love You."


英语美文摘抄大学 篇4


















英语美文摘抄大学 篇5




英语美文摘抄大学 篇6


耐力,是 一一 种不显山露水地执着;是 一一 种不惧风不畏雨地坚忍;是 一一 种不图名不图利地忠诚。


英语美文摘抄大学 篇7

Passing through the Atlanta airport one morning, I caught one of those trains that take travelers from the main terminal to their boarding gates. Free, sterile and impersonal, the trains run back and forth all day long. Not many people consider them fun, but on this Saturday I heard laughter.


At the front of the first car – looking out the window at the track that lay ahead – were a man and his son.


We had just stopped to let off passengers, and the doors wee closing again. “Here we go! Hold on to me tight!” the father said. The boy, about five years old, made sounds of sheer delight.


I know we’re supposed to avoid making racial distinctions these days, so I hope no one will mind if I mention that most people on the train were white, dressed for business trips or vacations – and that the father and son were black, dressed in clothes that were just about as inexpensive as you can buy.


“Look out there!” the father said to his son. “See that pilot? I bet he’s walking to his plane.” The son craned his neck to look.


As I got off, I remembered some thing I’d wanted to buy in the terminal. I was early for my flight, so I decided to go back.


I did – and just as I was about to reboard the train for my gate, I saw that the man and his son had returned too. I realized then that they hadn’t been heading for a flight, but had just been riding the shuttle.


“I want to ride some more!”


“More?” the father said, mock-exasperated but clearly pleased. “You’re not tired?”


“This is fun!” his son said.


“All right,” the father replied, and when a door opened we all got on.


There are parents who can afford to send their children to Europe or Disneyland, and the children turn out rotten. There are parents who live in million-dollar houses and give their children cars and swimming pools, yet something goes wrong. Rich and poor, black and white, so much goes wrong so often.


“Where are all these people going, Daddy?” the son asked.


“All over the world,” came the reply. The other people in the air port wee leaving for distant destinations or arriving at the ends of their journeys. The father and son, though, were just riding this shuttle together, making it exciting, sharing each other’s company.


So many troubles in this country – crime, the murderous soullessness that seems to be taking over the lives of many young people, the lowering of educational standards, the increase in vile obscenities in public, the disappearance of simple civility. So many questions about what to do. Here was a father who cared about spending the day with his son and who had come up with this plan on a Saturday morning.


The answer is so simple: parents who care enough to spend time, and to pay attention and to try their best. It doesn’t cost a cent, yet it is the most valuable thing in the world.


The train picked up speed, and the father pointed something out, and the boy laughed again.
